日本財団 図書館


Article 16-(7). Any person who will make an application for a recognition under the provisions of Article 1042) paragraph 1 of this Law shall submit an application for certification as a Designated Airworthiness Inspector to the Minister of Transport, describing the following items:
(1)Name, date of birth and address (in addition to the names and locations when the applicant has any business premises);
(2)When the applicant belongs to any company or other corporate body, its name and location of main office of the said company or corporation must be stated;
(3)Rating and serial number of the airman certificate.


2. The application under the preceding paragraph shall be accompanied by two unmounted photographs (3 centimetres long and 2.4 centimetres wide showing the upper half of the body with bare head, taken within 6 months prior to the application) with the name of the applicant written in block letters on its reverse side (hereafter the same in this Chapter) together with following documents:
(1)Abstract of census register;
(2)Personal history;
(3)Documents certifying the experience under Article 16-(4) subparagraph


Article 16-(8). The Minister of Transport shall, when he has executed a recognition under the provisions of Article l0-(2) paragraph 1 of the Law, issue to a Designated Airworthiness Inspector an identification card (Form No. 8-(3); hereinafter referred to as "Certificate of Designated Airworthiness Inspector").


2. Any Designated Airworthiness Inspector shall, when he is engaged in his duty, carry on his person the Certificate of Designated Airworthiness Inspector issued under provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Article 16-(9). Any Designated Airworthiness Inspector who will make an application for the reissuance when he has lost, damaged or stained his certificate, or changed his name or address, shall submit an application for reissuance to the Minister of Transport describing the following items together with two photographs and the original Certificate of Designated Airworthiness Inspector (except in the case the said document is lost):
(1)Name and address;
(2)Identification number;
(3)Reason for application for reissuance.


Article 16-(10)
A Designated Airworthiness Inspector shall, when he has provided airworthiness certification under the provisions of Article 10-2) paragraph 1 or





